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Our condolences to the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami. We hope that they can surmount the difficult situation as soon as possible.

This disaster took many people's lives, homes, and jobs. We've been searching for a way to help the victims, and realized how powerless we were. If we were to visit the damaged areas without preparation, we might become another burden for them. Also, there are limits in distributing supplies. Therefore, we've decided that the best way to help them is to deliver encouraging messages from celebrities.

Our missions are encouraging the victims by sending out messages from celebrities and donating the advertising revenue that we get from fans who visit our website for affected prefectures directly.

Japan Tsunami Aid is a 501(c)(3) approved nonprofit organization. We are planning many fundraising projects, including auctions. Any suggestions regarding fundraising are welcome.

Please contact if you or your company is interested in supporting us.

This site's material is copyrighted by Japan Tsunami Aid. If you are interested in running our materials, please contact us:




ジャパン・ツナミ・エイドは、Japan Tsunami Aidとして、NPO(非営利団体)として認可されました。

本プロジェクトにご賛同いただける個人・法人は、 までご連絡ください。

また、本サイトに掲載のメッセージの権利はJapan Tsunami Aidに帰属します。転載をご希望の方は、 までご連絡ください。

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